2011年8月15日 星期一

Completely rubbish - 啱定錯?

最近有位政府高官說了一句英文I think that is completely rubbish,反响很大。這位高官的能力怎樣,明眼人都能看得出來。看他的表現,而仍能身居要職,其運氣之佳也是世所罕見,我認為這是研究命理學的絕佳例子。





The sauce is mostly cream. (Oxford, p. 997)

這句句子沒有形容詞,只有一個verb to beis),一個冠詞(the),二個名詞(sauce & cream)和一個副詞(mostly)。很明顯mostly不是用來修飾isthe,那mostly便只能修飾二個名詞的其中之一個,而細心一看便會知道mostly是修飾cream,而不是sauce的。同樣的例子在英文字典裡可謂不勝枚舉:

Soccer is primarily a winter game. (Cambridge, p. 1125)

The hunger in parts of Africa is terrible – there is simply no other words for it. (Cambridge, p., 1340)

She did absolutely no work. (Oxford, p. 5)

The problem is not primarily a financial one. (Oxford, p. 1203)

He has absolutely no experience of marketing. (Longman, p. 6)

What we need is not simply a smaller organization, but a more efficient one. (Longman, p. 1635)

It ‘s not simply a question of money. (Longman, p. 1635)

They have absolutely no idea how this happened. (Macmillan, p. 6)

What I’m saying is purely my own point of view. (Macmillan, p. 1204)

看到嗎,所有副詞的前後都是名詞或名詞子句。為什麼會這樣?是文法書錯了嗎?其實我們一般讀的初、中階文法書只集中於討論基本的文法,一些較少用的語法常識因而便往往為人所忽略。所以,「副詞只修飾動詞,形容詞和其他副詞」是一句over-generalized statement,情況就像「以a,e,i,o,u開頭的英文字,前面的冠詞應用an」這不完全正確的說法一樣。

另外,現在很少書會再如上述般這樣解釋副詞了。一些語言學家也趨向少用修飾(modify)這字,代之的是將副詞解釋為對句子中的動作,行為或狀態提供附加資訊的一種詞類。所以副詞不單可用作修飾verbadjective和其他adverb,它還可用來修飾nounnoun phrase, numeraldeterminerpronounprepositional phrase,並有時作為句子的complementWebster’s Dictionary of English Usage便對副詞下了這樣的一個定義:

”Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, verbals, phrases, clauses, and sentences. They probably even modify nouns on occasion (Webster, p. 36).”

除此之外,Professor Geoffrey Leech et al. 在他們的著作Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English (2002) 中也提到:

“Adverbs can also modify noun phrases (or parts of noun phrases), prepositional phrases, particles, numerals, or measurements:

e.g. ‘It came as quite a surprise,’ said one. (p. 206)”

但有些英文還不錯的人,總是抱著「副詞絕不能修飾名詞」這想法,但卻又見到很多外國人真的寫completely rubbish,於是便狗急跳牆,硬說副詞completely是用來修飾前面的 is verb to be)的,妄圖自圓其說,這是名符其實的「讀死書」。其實想想都知道這說法是站不住腳的。試看看下面的例子:

I enjoy the company of young people, especially my grandchildren. (Cobuild Grammar, p. 425)

In some communities, notably the inner cities, the treatment has backfired. (Cobuild Grammar, p. 425)

在上述二例中連verb to be都沒有,你們不會又說especiallynotably是用來修飾遠處的動詞enjoybackfired吧?因為這絕對是狗屁不通的。再多看一些其他的例句:

He’s travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia. (Oxford, p. 252)


We talked about many things, work mainly. (Longman, p. 1054)


rubbish這字也可作形容詞用,立刻如獲至寶,說completely rubbish文法是正確的,因為現在副詞completely現在修飾的是形容詞,完全合乎文法規定。然而,當rubbish作形容詞時,是個英式非正式用法,解作「沒價值」或「沒用處」的,跟用者原本所要表達的「廢話」意思稍有不同。其實說到底,人們被這「副詞不能修飾名詞」的錯誤觀念害得夠深,而香港人也大多不願意用腦看書,只知盲目聽信那些所謂專家之言,在一些根本不存在的問題上大兜圈子,自尋煩惱!

若要詳述副詞這課題,大可以寫一本小書,我這裏只述說一些跟今天網誌題目有關的。副詞分很多種,其中一種是程度副詞(adverb of degree)。而這類副詞的其中一個作用是強調句子中的某部份,像以上的mostly, absolutely, mainly, primarily, simply等便是。這類副詞對附近的一些名詞或名詞子句提供了額外的資訊,Cobuild叫這類副詞或狀語做adverbials for focusing,即集中論述某些人或事,強調程度的不同。除了名詞或名詞子句外,這類副詞還可以接介系詞子句(prepositional phrases),例如:

I saw the letter purely by chance. (Oxford, p. 1233)

Green teas are mostly from China or Japan. (Longman, p. 1136)

Many tourists visit the region, generally for skiing. (Longman, p. 1136)

He got together with her purely for business reasons. (Macmillan, p. 1204)

There are branches of the shop all over the country, chiefly in the south. (Macmillan, p. 247)


I don’t go out much, mainly because I have to look after the kids. (Longman, p. 1054)

Some students lose marks simply because they don’t read the question properly. (Longman, p. 1635)

The majority said they work mostly because they need the money. (Macmillan, p. 974)

Bone marrow transplants are a controversial procedure, primarily because of the high costs involved. (Macmillan, p. 1176)

除了修飾個別詞組外,一些副詞也可以用來修飾整句句子,這類副詞叫sentence adverbs,例如:

We’ve had a very bad year financially. (Cobuild Grammar, p. 422)

Basically, the older you get, the harder it becomes. (Cobuild Grammar, p. 422)

正如上述,既然副詞也可以修飾名詞,那I think that is completely rubbish便當然不能算是錯,至少在文法結構上可以這樣說。Completely雖然並不是 focusing adverb,但它跟absolutelypurelysimply一樣,都是emphasizing adverbs。這類強調性的副詞也是經常用來修飾後面的名詞或名詞子句的,其他的emphasizing adverbs 還有entirely, really, totally, truly, quite, just, perfectly 等等(Cobuild Grammar, p. 312)。相關例句如下:

It isn’t really a dictionary – it’s a sort of phrase book. (Macmillan, p. 1235)

There’s really no need to worry. (Macmillan, p. 1235)

Mushrooms aren’t truly vegetables, but many people think they are. (Cambridge, p. 1562)

I admit it was entirely my fault. (Cambridge, p. 469)

事實上,上網一查completely rubbish這說法還是挺多外國人用的,但更普遍的說法卻是totally rubbish。所以我自己的結論是,complete/total/utter/absolute rubbish當然是最正宗的寫法,但通俗一點寫completely/totally rubbish,我們也不能視之為錯。