2011年10月28日 星期五


古德明是現今香港有數的英文語法專家,這是無可否認的事實。但不知何故最近他卻頻頻出錯,可能是看得太多有關戰爭的英文書吧!繼completely rubbishgood on computers之後,昨日又有人問到:

問:「小器」漢英字典多譯做 tight-fisted miserly stingy等,但這些字都是指不捨得花錢。要說器量小、動不動惱恨人家,英文有什麼形容詞可用?
答:英文恐怕沒有一個形容詞可以表達「器量小得動不動就惱恨人家」。讀者說的那個「小器」,則可譯做 small-minded intolerant,例如: He is very small-minded/intolerant and takes offence/gets upset very easily(他心胸狹窄,很容易生氣)。



古德明的例句中用到takes offence (very) easily其實已可作「小器」的準確英譯,但為了要滿足讀者的要求,要找來一個相關的形容詞,古德明於是說:「小器」可譯做 small-minded intolerant。大家知道這二個英文字是甚麼意思嗎?我們來看看字典的解釋:

1. small-minded

def having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not willing to change them or consider other peoples opinions or feelings; interested in small problems and details and not things which are really important. (Oxford, p. 1453-1454)

e.g. People around here are so small-minded. (Longman, p. 1657)

2. intolerant(不同於intolerable =「不能忍受」)

def not willing to accept behaviours, beliefs, or opinions that are different from your own. (Macmillan, p. 795)

e.g. This ban is a sad reflection of an intolerant society. (Macmillan, p. 795)

e.g. She can be very intolerant of students who dont understand what shes talking about. (Cambridge, p. 758)



1. vindictive

def someone who is vindictive is cruel to anyone who hurts them and will not forgive them. (Macmillan, p. 1662)

def (people) deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm. (Cobuild, p. 1748)
e.g. a vindictive attempt to punish me for forgetting his birthday. (Macmillan, p. 1662)

e.g. a vindictive woman desperate for revenge against the man who loved and left her. (Cobuild, p. 1748)

2. unforgiving

def unwilling to forgive other people when they have done something wrong. (Oxford, p. 1686)

e.g. He was an unforgiving man who never forgot a slight. (Cobuild, p. 1709)


其實我覺得想要用英文說「小器,容易因別人對你做的事而動怒」,簡單說get offended easily/take offence (at sb) easilybear grudges against others easily就可以了,不必要囿於用一個單一的英文形容詞。另外,我認為要表達「小器」的意思,讀者們還可以考慮用一些和生氣(angry)有關的字,它們都跟我們所說的「小器」十分相近。例如irritable, touchy, crotchety, crabby, grumpy, bad/short/quick-tempered等等,這些字都是解作「容易生氣的」,詳細用法請大家參看字典裡的例句。
