2012年5月6日 星期日




This course aims to familiarize students with the basic concepts of linguistics, the study of language. It introduces to students the fundamental concepts and methods of modern linguistics.

首先,這段簡介的第一句末段出現了一個同位語the study of language,它是用來闡釋前面linguistics這個字的,但linguistics在一個英文系的課程簡介中不是什麼艱深的用語,根本無需這個appositive的輔助。另外,大家應留意第二句It introduces to students the fundamental concepts and methods of modern linguistics。我們一般只會說introduce sth to sbintroduce sb to sth,但這句的句式則是introduce to sb sth,我認為這不算是好英文,大家切勿仿傚。

The course is conducted in both Chinese and English, but English is used most of the time to give students maximum exposure of the language.

這間大學的英文系教授對介系詞的掌握非常差,大部份的錯誤都出在這方面。名詞exposure後面跟不同的介系詞有不同的意思。exposure後面當然如句中一樣可跟of,但這句式的含義卻是「帶出一些不好事實的真相」(LDOCE sense 2; MED sense2)。相對來說,上述課程簡介這句其實是說要帶給學生「某些新事物或新知識的體驗」,所以正確的介系詞應是toLDOCE sense 4; MED sense 6),而不是of。其實這些語法常識並不是什麼艱深的知識,我們只要多閱讀就能留意到。

The learner will be able to improve four language skills by discussing authentic news texts highlight a wide variety of regional and global issues grouped into different themes.

跟著這句是做句子分析的好材料,因為它根本可以說是不知所謂,大家不妨先看一遍。我們要留意authentic news texts highlight a wide variety of regional and global issues這部份。大家認為在這裏highlight這個字的是屬於什麼part of speechHighlight這個字可以是名詞,也可以是動詞,而在這裏看來較像一個動詞。但若是這樣,問題就來了,by discussing後面應該是一個受詞,它可以是nounnoun phrasenoun clause(例如以question word開頭的clause)。不過現在的情況則是在noun phrase - authentic news texts緊接出現了一個動詞highlight,所以discussing的後面變成了一個clause,而不是noun (clause),這是不合文法的。

解決的方法很簡單,在動詞highlight的前面加上一個relative pronoun – which。那discussing之後的便是一個noun phrase - authentic news texts,而加上which之後,which highlight a wide variety of regional and global issues grouped into different themes便成了一個defining relative clause,界定那類news texts。留意grouped是一個participle,是用來修飾前面的名詞issues,而grouped into different themes其實也是一個relative clause,只是當那個participle是作被動式時,前面的(that are)通常都會被省略掉。所以整句句子其實是可以分開三部份來看的:

(1) The learner will be able to improve four language skills by discussing authentic news texts

(2) (authentic news texts) which highlight a wide variety of regional and global issues

(3) (issues that are) grouped into different themes.

This course will start with a brief introduction on the history of the feminist movement and its influence in English literature.


這是第一個錯處,這句在末段有另一個名詞influence,作者用了介系詞in,這同樣是錯的。對某人或某事的影響,我們可用on/over來表達,例如sth have influence on/over sb/sth。而影響我們們的事,則用of,如(under) the influence of sth

The goals of this course are to help students explore and taste of the world of professional translators.

跟著這句的錯誤不知是不是因為打錯字了,蓋相同但正確句式在簡介裡的其他地方也出現過。唯一的解釋可能是撰寫不同課程簡介的人英文程度不一。看看explore and taste,很明顯二個字都是動詞,而taste作動詞時是transitive verb,後面直接跟受詞,中間是不會有preposition的。

Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course aims at high-level English majors. In the first weeks, students touch upon basic concepts of interpreting.

這二句句子每句都有錯誤,第一句連我自己差點也走漏了眼。Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course aims at high-level English majors這句有什麼問題?我們可以這樣看,這句等同於:sth is sth does sth。看到了嗎?知道錯在那裏了嗎?這句句子同時出現了二個verbisaims,但卻只有一個主詞 – Consecutive Interpretation,那是一個科目。作者其實是想說:

Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course.

Consecutive Interpretation aims at high-level English majors.


Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course and it aims at high-level English majors.

或者寫得更好一點,像先前一樣用上一個relative pronoun – which,將句子的後半部變成一個relative clause如下:

Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course which aims at high-level English majors.

第三個改法是將動詞aim轉成present participle form

Consecutive Interpretation is a one-year course aiming at high-level English majors.

這些錯誤一開始看似很難發現,其實是工多藝熟,你多閱讀,多寫作,自然覺得駕輕就熟了。第二句的錯誤相當明顯,你可以說the first week(頭一個星期)或the first few weeks(最初幾個星期),我不知道作者想表達的意思是那一個,但我卻知道寫the first weeks就一定錯。另外,說basic concepts of interpreting好像有點問題。將動詞interpret加上ing,應該是說「口譯」這個過程,但句子本來想表達的卻是「口譯」這門學問。

The goals of the course are for students to use English film dialogue to improve vocabulary, speaking and listening ability, to increase understanding of American culture through film, and finally to have a better understanding and appreciation to the films.

最後一句又是介系詞錯誤。名詞appreciation無論作何解釋,後面的preposition應是of,而不是to。另外,在understanding 前面應該要加上一個定冠詞the

我們現在說的介系詞並不是那些將二件事物連在一起的介系詞,例如onI put the book on the table這句中。我現在說的是在名詞,形容詞和動詞後的一些有特定意思的專用介系詞,英文叫complementation,這在我以往的網誌中亦有介紹過。只是很多人以為自己的英文已經很「醒」,看書時又漫不經心,才會犯這類錯誤。我同意這類句式比較難,並不算低級錯誤,學習時也只能靠多查字典和死記,但這些錯誤若出現在大學英文教授或講師身上,我覺得是不能原諒的。原因是我今天說的已經是一些很基本的用法,有很多較艱深的用法錯誤可能連我察覺不了。換言之,這些所謂學者所犯的英文錯誤可能遠不止此,我真想問問他們的博士學位是怎樣拿到手的。大家別以為這只是台灣大學的問題,在香港同樣的情況我最近也碰到過,若網友有興趣可留言,我會考慮另文分析。
