2012年10月23日 星期二



What is/are interesting are adjectives, phrases, verbs.

What attracts/ attract us are the special effect, (and??) the performance of the actors.

關於這個問題,現在流行的說法是:what在這裏的意思是the thing(s) which,所以當what the thing which時,後面用單數動詞;解作the things which時,後接複數動詞。但以上只是大原則,也不是一成不變的,好像第一句我認為用is也無不可,運用貴在靈活嘛!

說回正題,在查LDOCE時,我發現在what這個條目下出現了幾個問題,我們逐一探討。首先,sense 2的意思是used to introduce a clause that something is or was not known or not certain,而sense 3 則是the thing which。我覺得這二個意思其實是差不多的,可以歸納在一起看。先看看sense 2的例句:

e.g. No one knows exactly what happened.

根據上面的解釋,這裏的clause便是what happened,由what這個pronoun帶出一個noun clause

再看看字典裏sense 3的例句:

e.g. Show me what you bought.

同樣地,what you bought也是一個noun clause,它可以是任何一件死物,例如 a pena book等等。所以我認為沒必要將sense 2 3區分開來,但當然這可能是lexicographers的個人喜好,我們沒必要深究。

現在看看另一重點,LDOCE5what這個字的sense 3下面有這樣的一段文法訊息:

What is not a relative pronoun and should not be used to begin a clause after a noun or pronoun. Use that instead.’

e.g. There are so many things that (NOT what) can go wrong.

這段grammar note在第四版時還沒有,是新加上去的。它的上半部是說what不是一個關係代名詞。一般文法書的確會將what歸類為interrogative pronoun,作問問題時用。而relative pronoun則是指那些帶出relative clause的字如thatwhichwhowhom等。但what這個字比較特別,有的時候也扮演relative pronoun的角色,故有部份字典或語言學家也將其歸類在relative pronoun的組別裏,例如Macmillan English DictionaryTimes-Chambers Essential English Dictionary等便是,而大陸的文法書則將它稱作conjunctive pronounOxford Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage的作者Robert Allen,他也是The Penguin English DictionaryConsulting Editor,在書中說:

As a relative pronoun, what is an especially complex word..... (pp. 646-647)

讀者看到MED2what是一個relative pronoun,但跟著又見到LDOCE5說它不是一個relative pronoun,那你叫讀者相信誰才是?所以我覺得LDOCE5不應一開始便斬釘截鐵說what不是一個relative pronoun,而是應該多花點筆墨解釋一下當中原委,好讓學生明白,這是第一點。

第二個問題關係到grammar note的下半部,它說:



e.g. Show me what you bought.

這個construction正是pronoun (me) + what-clauseLDOCE是不是在自打咀巴?其實,類似的說法也在其他usage書也出現過,例如Martin H. Manser便在其編纂的Good Word Guide (7/ed) 提到:

What cannot follow a noun or pronoun. Constructions such as : the man what I was talking to are wrong. (pp. 447)



e.g. Please describe to the court (exactly) what you saw. (CALD)

e.g. She wouldn't tell me what he said. (CALD)

LDOCE5Good Word Guide錯在落了一句沒有修飾 (qualify) statement,即在任何情況下,what-clause都不可在名詞或代名詞後面出現。我們看看另一本書又怎樣說:

Do not use what for that, which, orwho, as in the man what lives next door. (pp. 768)

這是Professor Sidney Greenbaumlexicographer Janet Whitcut (語法書Usage & Abusage的修訂者)在Longman Guide to English Usage說的話。這個說法跟上面兩個看似相同,其實是不一樣的,因它是修飾過的。細心留意,它在說「在某些情況下不應這樣說」。Michael Swan也在其著作說到:

What is only used to mean 'the thing(s) which'. It cannot be used as an ordinary relative pronoun after a noun or pronoun.

e.g. The only thing that (NOT what) keeps me awake is coffee. (PEU, pp. 482)

但要留意這個「以whatthat」的用法其實是存在的,只不過這是一個non-standard use (The Penguin English Dictionary, pp. 1463) 而已!


除了在解作the thing(s) which的時候,what作子句開頭時不應置於名詞或代名詞之後。

PS 前幾天生果報有段新聞的標題大意是:民建聯話若果要他們撤回封殺拉布草案,泛民的人便必需下跪云云!我看後第一個反應是建制派咁惡?因看見「下跪」這兩個字在我腦海中即時浮現出「認錯和道歉」的境像!但當我細心閱讀內文時,發覺原來下跪者,僅僅取消拉布也,當堂又傻眼!先不論拉布是否恰當,但報紙的用詞便明顯極不合適,極哇衆取寵之能事。那些什麼肥佬黎/董橋根本沒資格辦報紙!我以前一直以為砵蘭街啲黑社會古惑仔最惡,現在才知道泛民啲人惡過洪興同東昇。民主覇權,我喜歡,直頭可以打橫行!每日一天光,香港我話事!
