2013年3月19日 星期二



“The manner in which the central government has handled this whole issue, coupled with its public rhetoric and posturing reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution, have left most Hong Kong people puzzled, hurt and frustrated.”

補習天后看後寫了篇網誌批評陳太犯了個中五程度的文法錯誤。天后認為這句英文的subjectthe manner,而之後的relative clauseparticiple phrase都不影響整句的subject-verb agreement,所以後面的動詞便應該用第三身單數has,而非have,她還說這個問題她的學生不用15秒便可答出來。好了,現在的問題是,補習天后的批評是對的嗎?若果是的話,那為什麼陳太會犯這個低級錯誤呢?這些都是非常有趣的課題!


1. The manner (in which the central government has handled this whole issue)

2. Central Government's public rhetoric

3. Central Government's posturing (reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution)

這三種東西用了一個linking word - coupled with來連起來。由於是三種東西,所以陳太理所當然地認為應用衆數的have,這跟補習天后的意見是相反的。那誰對誰錯呢?很不幸,今次輸的是陳太,正確答案應該是has。但在這裏我要特別強調一點,她並不是死在一條低能問題手上。相反,這問題當中的玄妙我相信連補習天后也可能沒留意,因在她的解說中並沒提及,而她的那班學生就更不用說了。她的學生答對了,這並不意味他們明白箇中原因。很可能他們也是像古德明一樣,經常知其然而不知其所以然!


The demand from locals for international school places, coupled with the continuous drive by parents of students attending prestigious local establishments to turn their schools into direct subsidy schools with freedom to design their curriculum, bring to the fore local parents' dissatisfaction with the local system.

原來在英文中有一條關於subject-verb agreement的規則是這樣的:

Nouns joined by other linking words or quasi-coordinators (e.g. accompanied by, as well as, not to mention, together with, etc.) are followed by a singular verb if the first noun or noun phrase is singular, because the addition is not regarded as part of the grammatical subject:

e.g. A very profitable company such as British Telecom, along with many other companies in the UK, is not prepared to pay a reasonable amount. (Oxford Pocket's Fowler's Modern English Usage, p. 29)

coupled with當然也被歸納為這類linking words,而學習型字典中也有相關的例句:

e.g. Her intelligence, coupled with her experience, makes her a perfect candidate for the job. (MED2)

e.g. High inflation coupled with low output spells disaster for the Government in the election. (CALD3)

若寫作的人不用這類linking words,而改用簡單的連接詞and的話,那後面的動詞就很順理成章地變成plural verb了。

若果這是一個中五程度的問題,Robert Allen就不需在這本著名的語法書中再作解釋。我認為大部份參加語文基準試的英文老師都不能給出類似的答案,而這也代表他們根本不知道問題的關鍵所在。英文就是這樣奇怪的東西,明明應用plural verb的地方卻反而用singular verb才是對的。

網友最後還問了兩個問題:陳太的英文怎樣?補習天后有資格批評她嗎?我在以前的網誌曾經說過,八、九十年代港英政府的手袋黨,大都是港大英文系的畢業生,她們的英文水平是非常高的(畢竟那時只有名校生才能進港大),葉劉就是英文系一級榮譽畢業。其實,不單是女的,當時就是男的高官如陳祖澤等,英文也非常好。我記得自己一個大學同學會考英文拿A(不是現時的5**水平),大學畢業後入了貿易處工作,有一次替處長曾蔭權起草演詞,被他改至面目全非。所以,我認為陳太的英文,尤其是written English,肯定是好的,唯一可能較弱的應該是informal Englishaccent。我不會說她的英文沒有錯,但小疵不足以掩大瑜,我們不能太過強求。
