2013年6月12日 星期三




Researches have found that those who are likely to intimidate others are usually found to be lack of parental care and support.

首先,這位何Sir說「researches這字是一定,一定不會有衆數的,我們查字典便知」,那是否真的這樣呢?打開MED一看,在這字的Get it Right Box中的確有這樣的解說:

Researchis an uncountable noun, and so:

- it is hardly ever used in the plural

- it never comes after a or a number

e.g. Her latest work confirmed the findings of earlier researches. (x)




我認為MED的說法是稍為偏頗了一點,很容易誤導學生。要留意的是它只是說hardly ever used(甚少用),而不是不能用,學生稍不留神便會以為寫衆數是錯的。那researches究竟有多不常用呢?我們上Google搜查一下會發現,researchhit rates1.66 billion,而researches則少很多,但也有17 million,所以多少只是相對而言,衆數用法絕對不算罕有。可惜,一般外國人寫的語法書都沒有解釋這個現象,他們均只集中討論research這字的發音問題,以致很多老師學生對這個課題一知半解!

現在回答第二個問題,何時才應用researches?在我手頭上芸芸的語法書中,只有一本對此有作解釋,它便是Cobuild Usage,看看它怎樣說:

You can refer to the research that someone is doing as their research or their researches. You normally only use researches after the possessive form, such as 'my', 'his' or 'Gordon's':

e.g. Soon after, Faraday began his researches into electricity. (Cobuild Usage)

e.g. What have their research(es) shown? (OALD8)


e.g. His researches in the field of disease prevention produced unexpected results. (CALD3)

e.g. He ... despisedTom's researches into the subject. (SOED6)

e.g. Gould was helped in his researches by local naturalists. (LDOCE5)

e.g. In the course of my researches, I came across some of my grandfather's old letters. (OALD8)

e.g. We read about Sigmund Freud's researches into human psyche. (MWALD)
e.g.  Given that my researches have shown that people are prone to misspell other pairs of common verbs and nouns that end in -ise or -ice, I’ve listed some of these below as well. (from an article by Catherine Soanes)

除了possessive form外,researchresearches還有另外一些分野。相比起researchresearches是較為formalold-fashioned的英式用法(見LDOCEOALDMWALD)。所以,儘管researches可以接受,但何Sir所引述的那句英文還是錯的,因為researches前面沒有possessive form,所以應該改為Research has found that ...

故事未完,何Sir繼續指出這句的另一個錯誤 - lack。對於一個補習「名」師來說,這的確算是一個相當低級的錯誤,但何Sir的解說也並不算好。我有時覺得學生沒心機學英文,老師很多時要負很大的責任。像在講解lack為什麼是錯的時候,這位何Sir花了近5分鐘,又相對又什麼的,囉囉嗦嗦,但始終搔不著癢處,一些重點還沒有說出來。現在讓我來解給大家聽。在這下面這句說話中:

Researches have found that those who are likely to intimidate others are usually found to be lack of parental care and support.


They lack (v.) parental care and support.

There is a lack (n.) of parental care and support (on the part of ...)


They are found to be lack of parental care and support. (x)



(Research has found that) those (...) are usually found to lack parental care and support.

這樣的改法當然可以,但在刪去句中的defining relative clause後,我們根本可以直接說:

Research has found that those (people) lack parental care and support.


[+ obj]a : to discover (someone) in a specified state
▪He found them waiting for him. ▪ I found her relaxing by the pool. ▪ He was found dead the next morning. ▪ The crisis found them unprepared. [=they were unprepared when the crisis occurred]


Research has shown/revealed that those (who are likely to intimidate others) are usually found lacking in parental care and support.


e.g. The new designs have been found lacking in some important way. (LDOCE)

