2014年3月9日 星期日


事緣是這樣的:早幾天我在魚之樂網主的地盤留言,有網友回應時順便問了一個問題。他問suggest sb to do sth這寫法是不是錯的,我說是,後來我提出一個觀點,就是會不會是因為suggest是個及物動詞,所以後面不能接to-infinitive呢?基本上我說的只是個思考的方向,不一定對,但我認為有用的成果都是從思考求證得來的。但王教授不同意,他提出了一個反證,說advise也是及物動詞,但是寫advise sb to do sth卻沒有問題。我糾正了他,說advise也可以是intransitive verb

王老師於是再舉一例,說urgetransitive verb,但同樣可以說urge sb to do sth,我一看覺得這倒是,便承認自己的推斷是錯的。但後來我卻在劍橋高階中發現原來這個字也可以是intransitive verb。王教授聽到後,又再舉一例,今次用的是demand這個動詞,他問這個動詞同時可以是transitiveintransitive verb,那為什麼我們不能寫demand sb to do sth*

*    demand後面是可以接to-infinitive的,例如demand to do sth,但動詞後能否直接再跟受詞這點我卻不肯定。

我沒再反駁他,因為雖然demand基本上也是一個transitive verb(說基本上是因為當subject是情況或事件時,demand是可作intransitive verb用的,見MED),但當我看見王教授在FB貼上一條連結時,在那裏我又看見另一個動詞insist,這是一個transitive intransitive verb,但我們卻不可以說insist sb to do sth (見Cobuild usage)。至此,我知道自己提出的那個理論是站不住腳的,所以當然不會再糾纏下去。


Suggest is one of those verbs of advice that cannot be followed by the more usual pattern of object + infinitive but has to be followed by a that-clause with should + infinitive or with past, present or subjunctive form verbs. Insist, demand and recommend (among others) also follow this pattern.

我見suggestdemandinsist都先後出場了,總不能少了recommend吧,於是便查查字典看看它是屬於那類動詞。噢,又是transitive verb,而CALD更有這樣的一段grammar note

When recommend is followed directly by another verb, that verb cannot be in the infinitive with 'to'.  Do not say 'recommend to do something', say recommend doing something:

e.g. I recommend to take an umbrella in case it rains. (wrong)

e.g. I recommend taking an umbrella in case it rains. (right)


我們看看Cobuild Usage怎樣說:

You can also recommend someone to do something:

e.g.  Although they have eight children, they do not recommend other couples to have families of this size. (Cobuild Usage)

不單Cobuild Usage,其實很多字典都有recommend sb to do sth這句型:

e.g.  Students are recommended to read the following books. (MED)

e.g.  We'd recommend you to book your flight early. (OALD)

Oxford Dictionary of English的網上版有更多的相關例句:


Advise (someone) to do something

'you are strongly recommended to seek professional advice'

'I would strongly recommend readers not to take his words too seriously!'

'On the other hand, I strongly recommend anyone interested to give it a try.'

'We strongly recommend you girls out there to treat yourself to something nice for Christmas.'

Robert Allen在其著作Oxford Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage也提到:

In addition to its familiar constructions with a direct object + to-infinitive (I recommend you to control your temper) and with a that-clause (We recommend that you stay at the local hotel), recommend is one of a class of verbs ... (pp. 534)

CALDBBC兩個說法不同之處在於前者認為recommend不可以直接跟to-infinitive,但它沒說當後面有受詞時還可不可以跟to-infinitive。其實我們只要單看上面引述的大量例證,就知道BBC這次是明顯錯了。BBC這位作者Roger Woodham為什麼會犯這錯誤,我也說不清,因為這句式不像provide sth to sb那樣曾經惹起爭論。像Robert Allen所說,這是一個為人所熟悉的句型,而英語專家Michael Swan在其名著Practical English Usage和Cambridge的English Grammar Today說明recommend是衆多可以用object + infinitive這種句式的其中一個動詞。但我相信跟BBC這位作者持相同意見的還是大有人在,至少朗文在其新出版的Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus就沒收錄這句型,這也是為什麼我認為LDOCE其實還有很大進步空間的,管理層現在放棄這本字典,殊為可惜。
