2018年3月24日 星期六

ALREADY是否只能接perfect tense?

Why would I need to be more successful when I already have everything that I ever wanted in my life ...?
Youtuber馬米高認為already後面應接(present) perfect tense,所以歌手用present tense是錯的。另一個YoutuberMr. Keric)卻不同意,他認為have在這裏解「擁有」,是一個stative verb (cf dynamic verb),跟perfect tensedurationcompletion的特性無關,所以應用present tense

既然有網友問起,大猩猩也來說說自己的意見,供有興趣的朋友參考。一般而言,基本的原則是當already出現,說一些已經完成或過去的事情時,我們都會普遍地用perfect tense來表達,但這並不是絕對的。在北美有些人也會直接用past tense來取代present perfect tense,但這用法仍有人視之為錯,所以並未為人所廣泛接受。Practical English Usage中,Michael Swan就這樣說:
Various tenses are possible with all three words (already, still, yet).  In British English, perfect tenses are common with already and yet.  Americans often prefer past tenses. (PEU3, pp. 558)

需要指出的是,馬米高提到的perfect tense用法是already第一個解釋的最基本用法,所以你會看到一般跟在already後面的都是(present) perfect tense)。但要留意的是這只是already的其中一個意思的用法。Already是還有其他解釋的,因此馬米高今次是錯了,但Mr. Keric也並不是全對的。雖然already後面的確可以接present tense,但我不會用他那套理論去解釋。其中一個理由是我不贊成像現今很多台灣人和大陸人般去背那些所謂使役動詞,感官動詞,動態動詞和靜態動詞等無用的文法概念。而另一個更為重要的原因當然是我近年喜歡用corpus examples去反推出現今的英語用法。

used for saying that a situation has started to exist and still continues (MED):
Why waste time telling people things that they already know? (MED)
The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off. (Cobuild)
Already, he has a luxurious villa in Formello. (Cobuild)
The hassle factor is already beginning to show. Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Similar technology is already used to cancel out engine noise. The Sun (2016)
Similar cards are already used in other countries. Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The former PM already gets nearly 3 million a year from the public purse. The Sun (2016)
For his part, Bratton is disappointed but not surprised that the same narrative is already being mapped onto Fry and Spencer. (dictionary.com)
Many people are paying large sums of money for services which they are already entitled to. (OD)
There is no point bringing more laws in when we are so soft with the laws we already have. (OD)
We can add these to the displays we already have and hopefully answer a few questions. (OD)
Overtime is already used and efforts are being made to recruit a more diverse workforce. (OD)
The book is already available in Britain and should be in bookstores here next month. (MWALD)

從這些例子中,我們可見無論是passive voicecontinuous tense,都是用present tense。當然,這並不是說在這個解釋下只能用present tense,在很多情況下,present perfect tense還是可以的,大家可以到各大詞典網站自行參閱,這裏就不贅了。現在,我們來看看為什麼我不採納stative verb這說法。Stative verb有一特性,就是一般不用於進行式中。但我們可以見到上面有些例句是用進行式的,而Youtuber的說法跟上面的例子顯然並不相符,而且上面的動詞也不全是stative verb啊!

另外,Already還有第三個用法,也可以和present tense 連用,有「驚覺時間過得那麼快」、「比預期中更早」的意思:
at a time earlier than expected (dictionary.com)
Are you tired already? I don’t believe it! (MED)
Is it twelve o’clock already? (MED)
We already have early proofs back of the first batch of pages and they look good. (OD)

在一般情況下,alreadyperfect tense是沒錯的。但很多基礎的文法書在某些重要的內容上卻過份簡化,略過了一些例外情況,令很多學生,甚至老師,以為只能這樣用,最終形成錯誤的觀念,情況就好像絕大部份人以為副詞不能修飾名詞一樣。又有些人,他無疑是答對了,但在解釋的過程中,卻給予一些似是而非的理由,這情況在一些解答英文問題的專頁中經常看到,看得人不禁搖頭嘆息,心想你不懂可不可以不要胡亂教人?