2019年10月25日 星期五

each other vs. one another

這篇文章取自我在Facebook《英語指迷》不公開的群組,打算也跟其他讀者分享一下。話說最近中大施敏文博士在明報寫的新專欄,裡面提到each otherone another的分別。他說:「現今的英語世界趨勢已經很少人將each other局限用於二人身上和one another只能用於二人以上。」


然後,他的粉絲又跳出來一個亞伯,說道: 「雖然現在each otherone another已經很少人用二人或以上去區分二者,但二者卻不能互換使用,因為他很少見人用one another來說二個人之間的事。」 C博士看後回覆道:「Exactly. Not really "interchangeable".

我常說,香港的英語教育愈來愈差,很大程度上是甚少人好好利用英文字典的緣故。我可以大胆講一句,現今香港的英語教師,95%都不會教學生查字典學英文,而他們自己當然也很少查字典。但字典裡其實蘊藏了很豐富寶貴的英語資源。特別是將市面上的十多本字典集合起來,它們可以助你解決至少50-70%的英文問題,再加上互聯網大神,八成的英語問題都難不到你。至於剩下的20%,我認為屬於地道英語用法,例如That is fine by/with meThat is fine for me在意思上有何分別?對於這些用法我們只能多聽多看,慢慢「浸」出來。

1. The two countries went to war with one another over oil prices. (CALD)
2. After a couple of years together, we realized we weren't suited to one another and decided to go our own ways. (CALD)
3. The two of them sat facing one another. (MED)
4. Liz and I have known one another for years.(LDOCE)
5. Geschke and Warnock are mirror images of one another, right down to the silver beards. (LDOCE)
6. His mum and I held one another up. (LDOCE)
7. They had barely greeted one another when Pam demanded to know what Margaret thought she was doing. (LDOCE)
8. They seem to love one another very much.(LDOCE)
9. The two countries do little trade with one another. (Cobuild)
10. The two families knew one another. Sunday Times (2017)
11. You and your daughter blaming one another just makes life worse for them. The Sun (2011)

Chandler said: "Married couples can't keep secrets from one another!"
Karl Marlone and Charles Barkley were often compared to one another for the title of best power forward in the NBA.
