2021年1月13日 星期三



Dr ZZZ is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English, the XXX University of Hong Kong. As the XXX’s Teaching Excellence awardee (2014/15 and 2017/18), and also one of the top ten teachers nominated by students with good online teaching practices (2019/20). As the organiser of XXX and the initiator of XXX Club, Dr ZZZ is dedicated to fostering innovative pedagogy to meet the ever-changing on-site and online needs of students in the education of English language.

Committed to the study of English, she majored in English and Translation in her undergraduate study and then sociolinguistics in her postgraduate journey. Her passion for this language has further grown to its teaching as a second language, leading to her pursuit of a postgraduate diploma of Education with the concentration in English-language. ZZZ is also keen on building a bridge between her research endeavours and her role as a teaching practitioner, steering her towards the completion of her Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership.

Dr ZZZ has nearly 15 years of experience as an English-language teacher. She is also engaged in reference book writing in areas like creative writing and collocation. Committed to promoting English-language to all walks of life, she is also the host of an English-language educational programme broadcast in a local TV channel. She once worked as a freelance translator and interpreter for legal firms and publishing houses, and a subtitle writer and editor for English-language TV programmes.



1)     a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English

一個學系的講師英文怎麼說?這位博士寫了lecturer at the department。以一個英文系的講師來說,這句算是錯得相當利害了。我以前說過,要說在一間大學的教授或學生,英文是a professor or a student at a university,介詞要用at,不是in。但要說一個講師在大學的某一個學系工作,英文不是at the department,我們會用in the department。但是如果你要說的是一個學系或學院的主任,你就要說the Head/Dean of a department/faculty。而當要說一個教授教些什麼科目, professor級別會用of,而lecturer就會用in


a professor of/ lecturer in a subject in the XXX department of/at a university


e.g.  He was previously a lecturer of pharmacy department of Queen's University.(Cambridge Business English Dictionary)

e.g.  He is a lecturer in the department of psychology at Trinity College, Dublin. (OALD)


2)     As the XXX’s Teaching Excellence awardee (2014/15 and 2017/18), and also one of the top ten teachers nominated by students with good online teaching practices (2019/20).


作為XXX大學優秀教學獎的得主和由學生選出的十佳網上教學老師之一。 (完)


在語法中,句子的前半部是個subordinate clause,是個不完整的子句;而句子的後半部則是一個main clause,可以獨立成一句句子。但現在句子卻是有前冇後,而寫的人竟然是一個大學博士英文講師?!


3)     one of the top ten teachers nominated by students with good online teaching practices

在這句中,good online teaching practices是要修飾那十個老師的,而不是選他們出來的學生,所以若將這句片語放在students後面便會顯得很怪,好像在網上教學的是學生而非老師。正確的寫法應是這樣:

one of the top ten teachers with good online teaching practices nominated by students

4)     to meet the ever-changing on-site and online needs of students in the education of English language


英文,我們可以稱之為EnglishEnglish Language,不過可能有90%的人都不知道,English Language這字作名詞用時前面必需要有定冠詞theEnglishthe English Language有些什麼分別?English就是泛指英文,而the English Language就是指英文這套語言溝通系統,包括講和寫。Language這個英文字可以是countableuncountable noun,但大部份時間這個字的解釋都作不可數名詞使用,前面是零冠詞:

e.g.  She does research into how children acquire language. (CALD)


e.g.  one of the best-known poems in the English language. (LDOCE)

e.g.  She has a good command of the Spanish language. (OALD)


Her passion for this language has further grown to its teaching as a second language, leading to her pursuit of a postgraduate diploma of Education with the concentration in English-language.


5)     Her passion for this language has further grown to its teaching as a second language


Her passion for this language has further grown to English teaching as a second language




如果是我,會這樣改寫,將English teaching改為teaching English

Her passion for this language has further prompted her to take teaching English as a second language as her life-long career.


6)     leading to her pursuit of a postgraduate diploma of Education with the concentration in English-language


我們再看English-language的前面四個字with the concentration inconcentration在這個解釋中指「集中精力在某種活動上」,這時它是一個不可數名詞,前面是零冠詞,後接介系詞on,不是in。女博士在四個字中便錯了二個:

e.g.  He stressed the need for greater concentration on environmental issues. (OALD)


7)     Committed to promoting English-language to all walks of life, she is also the host of an English-language educational programme broadcast in a local TV channel.

不知何故,這位女仕很喜歡寫English-language,一篇短文中便出現了四、五次之多,但在現實世界中這用法其實並不常見。另外,留意這句最後幾個字in a local TV channel,這算是一個頗低級的錯誤。在電視上的某個頻道,介詞用on不是in。從這篇文中可以看出,此人除了對介詞的掌握運用非常差外,肯定也極少查字典。否則只要她稍為查一下字典都知道說電視頻道要用on喇:

e.g.  The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney channel. (LDOCE)

以上便是今天香港英文教師的英語水平。你別說可能只是私立大學是這樣,我敢說在其他公立大學肯定也能找到寫這種英文的大學講師。其實別說是一個英文教育博士,就算是一個化學博士寫出來的英文也不會那麼差。即使撇開以上那麼多的語法錯誤,這篇英文也寫得絕對不好,遠未達一個大學英文講師應有的水平。例如在一篇200多字的短文中,以committed to開首這樣的participle phrase就出現了二次。外國人不是不會用participle phrase/clause在文章中,但香港人現在無疑是用得太過頻密了,這明顯是近三十年受那些補習班毒害太深,現在這位英文高級講師就好像一位不懂算加減乘除的數學博士一樣。