2021年10月1日 星期五


最近幾個月是香港的暑假和開學時間,FB上有很多英文補習廣告,特別是小學生的,正所謂「贏在起跑線」嘛。但我看了幾個這樣的廣告後,發覺香港的英文老師水平真的很,其中一個教學生時竟然舉了I will love you tomorrow這樣的例句?!這樣的老師在香港真的很多,他們根本可以說不懂英文,政府在這方面到底有沒有監管?


一、二個月我在FB寫了好幾篇文章批評香港英文教師水平低落,特別是在tense的運用,早前我又看到一個英文教師FB有聲廣告,相信你們很多人都會見過這個廣告。我前已指出過此人教錯了just now這個片語。今次這個女人又是教tense,同樣犯了一些基本概念的錯誤,我真不知她們做學生時是怎樣學英文的。她說:「在英文中,你不能一見一些time marker就斷定必定是用某種時態,如見到today這字不一定用現在式。」她這說法是對的。但跟著她繼續說:「不過,卻有二個例外情況,就是見到yesterday必定用過去式;而見到tomorrow則要用將來式,不能用現在式。」


這是一條很好的語文基準試題目。考基準試,我根本不用考你作文,出二、三條這樣的問題便可知你的文法知識和語文能力。要答這條題目,你說易也得,說難也可以,可笑的是這位女老師連基本理論都未搞清楚。首先,我要問yesterdaytomorrow屬於什麼詞類?這二個字可以是時間副詞或名詞,有時甚至可以是形容詞。Adverb of timeyesterdaytomorrow這二個字的最常見用法,作時間副詞時,yesterday是說過去的事,一般會跟past tense連用,正如past tense的第一大戒條是有明確過去時間時,句子要用past tense。就這點而言,這個女老師沒說錯,但留意這只適用在一般情況下


跟著有關tomorrow的用法,那個女老師就錯得很利害。我前幾天Youtube看看裡面中國人教tense的短片,我留意到一點,就是說perfect tense的人很多,但說future tense的卻很少。future tense少人說因為future tense相對簡單,就是shall/will + verb唄!事實上,在7080年代時,老師或書上教的將來式都是I/We + shallthey/you/he/she/it + will,然後再加一個bare infinitive


這樣教本來沒錯,但你們有否想過「future tense」跟「說futuretense」其實完全是兩回事,但香港的大部份英文老師和學生卻一直誤以為說將來只能用future tense,殊不知這只是其中一種用法已矣。我在三年多前一篇說future tense的文章中已解釋過,說將來的事,shall/will + verb並不是唯一的說法所以如果妳作為一個英文老師,但仍然以為說將來的事只能用shall/will + verb,那妳大可以執包袱返屋企冬眠了。


如果一見有tomorrow就只能用future tense,那為什麼字典會有這麼多例外?

She is giving a presentation at tomorrow's meeting. (MWALD)

Is it supposed to rain tomorrow? (MWALD)

He has an interview tomorrow. (MWALD)

Tomorrow we're going fishing. (MWALD)

I'm having dinner with Rachel tomorrow night.(CALD)

What is education going to look like tomorrow? (Cobuild)

The government is expected to announce a national day of mourning tomorrow.

Times, Sunday Times (2016) (Cobuild)

Are you going back home tomorrow?(MED)

They’re arriving tomorrow morning. (MED)

Terry’s new job starts a week tomorrow. (LDOCE)

Tomorrow is Christmas Day. (Cobuild)

The statistics suggest that tomorrow's match should be one for the purist.

Times, Sunday Times (2016) (Cobuild)

These students are the leaders of tomorrow. (MED)

People who think the environment is yesterday’s news are wrong. (MED)

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny. (dictionary.com)

It’s our duty to make sure that their future is better than their past, and that their tomorrows are better than their yesterdays.(dictionary.com)

Tomorrow is a school day. (MWALD)

Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.(OALD)

I want it done by tomorrow. (OALD)

We make sacrifices now to give our children a better tomorrow. (CALD)

Today's problem child may be tomorrow's criminal. (CALD)

What's on your agenda for tomorrow? (Cobuild)



跟著下面的tomorrow例句又變了用present perfect tense,這又是什麼因由?

I've got to get this essay finished by tomorrow. (CALD)

A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow. (OALD)

Tomorrow’s meeting has been postponed. (CALD)

I’ve arranged to see Rachel tomorrow morning. (CALD)

It's a quiet one as we've got another big day tomorrow.

The Sun (2016) (Cobuild)


最後,甚至在朗文語料庫找到幾句past tensetomorrow例句:

Miguel Rafaelo could fire her tomorrow. (LDOCE)

I could be back in the city by tomorrow night. (LDOCE)

Today I decided that I would organize a little party tomorrow night. (LDOCE)


而且,不單是tomorrow,下面這些yesterday例句用的也不是past tense啊,這位女老師又能解釋嗎?

The radio program features yesterday's songs as well as today's. (MWALD)

That actor is yesterday's news. (MWALD)

Today's cars aren't all that different from the models of yesterday. (MWALD)

Nobody's interested in yesterday's pop stars. (CALD)

These songs are a part of all our yesterdays. (CALD)

The worker of today is different from the worker of yesterday. (Cobuild)

It's been over a year since we met, but it seems like only yesterday(MWALD)

The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening. (CALD)



