2023年8月28日 星期一




English Language has been a core subject in the Hong Kong school curriculum for more than a century. As English is one of the official languages in Hong Kong and Chinese-English bilingualism has become a hallmark of this international city, the qualification requirements of English teachers have been the focus of public attention.

It is our mission to provide solid and sound English and teaching knowledge, develop positive personal attributes, and nourish intellectual and professional qualities of each teacher-to-be.


The small cohort gives students the ground to form groups of close companions. Gathering all enthusiastic teachers-to-be, we share the passion in teaching and help each other to improve.


第一個錯誤以一間大學英文系來說,錯了其實是應該要打屁股的。我說過九億幾次,「英語」這二個字的英文不是English Language,而是The English Language。說任何語言,如果有language這個字,前面都必須加上定冠詞the,所以你可以說Englishthe English Language。作為一個教英文的學系如果連這個規則都不知道,就等於一個醫生不懂醫傷風感冒一樣!


to provide solid and sound English and teaching knowledge

句中的名詞是knowledge,很多人以為這是一個不可數名詞,所以前面無需加上冠詞。不過,在我之前分析的一篇有關冠詞的長文中,有些uncountable noun其實也作singular noun用,特別是當前面加上了一些形容詞,所以我們會說a working knowledgea specific knowledge。而中大這句前面加了solid and sound等形容詞,所以要加上a在前面。Michael SwanPEU3有專欄解釋這用法,可惜肯去看的人很少。


Gathering all enthusiastic teachers-to-be, we share the passion in teaching and help each other to improve.

我再看才發覺這句原來是有二個錯誤的。passion在這裏是解「熱情」,那到底是那方面的熱情呢?這個學生又沿用了中文的思維,「在那方面」當然是用介詞in喇!但大家都知道,英文是有其慣性詞組搭配的,例如passion後接for,而passionate則後接about,這就是English collocations為什麼重要。題外話,昨天看見一個Youtuber鬼佬好像叫什麼Steve Kaufman說學生不應學English collocationsphrasal verbs,因為數量實在太多,根本學不完,這是純粹的廢話,不用理會,亦證明鬼佬所言不一定對。


share the passion in teaching

我們先不理介詞用in是否正確,但這裏用介詞是必然的,所以後接的動詞變了teaching,而非infinitiveteach)。但這句後面還有另一個平衡動詞help。既然teach要轉成-ing form,那沒理由help不用轉,基本的語法常識而矣!
